A Children's Treasury of Sundance Film Festival 2023 Reviews

PARK CITY, UTAH: I was standing in line for some movie or another at Sundance 2020 when I got a cryptic email from my editor at Vulture: "Are you by any chance a Contagion fan?" It seemed there was an uptick in digital rentals and purchases for Steven Soderbergh's 2011 pandemic thriller, connected to the increasingly worrisome reports of a novel coronavirus that was sweeping through China. I was, luckily, a Contagion fan, so I set aside some time at that year's festival to sit at the kitchen table of the condo I was sharing with several other film critics to re-visit and write about Contagion. I took care of her edits at the Salt Lake City airport, and it was published on January 30, 2020.  

Six weeks passed, and, well... while I remain a fan of Contagion, I am not a fan of contagions. On the eve of SXSW 2020, its organizers pulled the plug, and the rest of 2020's festivals followed suit, going virtual. And then many of 2021's as well. Sundance was supposed to return in 2022, only to go virtual mere days in advance on account of the rise of Omicron. 

But now, at long last, I'm back in Park City, writing reviews for The Playlist and banking some other stuff and prepping a documentary diary for Crooked Marquee. I'm going to put them all here. Please read them, so I can keep coming back.


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