Director Derek Cianfrance on ‘The Place Beyond the Pines’ and the Magic of Ryan Gosling

Originally published on Flavorwire, 3/28/13 It’s tricky to talk to Derek Cianfrance about his new film The Place Beyond the Pines , due to a series of bold narrative turnabouts that would fall squarely into the realm of “spoilers.” I explained my hesitancy to him in a recent telephone interview. “It’s challenging for reviewers,” he grants. “You can’t just go and spend two-thirds of your review describing plot – unless you hate the movie. The reviewers that hate the movie have no problem… they’re excited to go out there and crush it for people.” I don’t hate the movie, and I don’t want to crush it for people. Suffice it to say that it starts as one thing, and then unexpectedly becomes another, and then something else entirely. That seems a safe way to put it — and for Cianfrance to explain how he arrived at the picture’s unique “triptych” structure. For the director, it goes back to a viewing of Abel Gance’s Napoléon when he was in film school, some 20 years ago....